Addiction and Substance Abuse in New York

Experience compassionate, evidence-based care at Integrative Psych in Chelsea, Manhattan.


Mental Health is a Journey

We have therapists who specialize in addiction therapy and eating disorder therapy in NYC. Our evidence-based approaches, combined with our therapists' expertise, aim to help individuals overcome addiction and develop a healthy relationship with food. Additionally, our trauma therapists utilize trauma-focused therapies to help individuals heal from past traumatic experiences and move towards greater resilience and well-being.

What is addiction or a substance use disorder?

Addiction, also called substance abuse or use, is a mental health condition that causes you to psychologically and physically need a substance or activity, despite evidence that it harms you. When you have an addiction, you increasingly make decisions that are not in your best interests in the medium or long term to acquire more of a substance.

Our Treatment Process

Initial Consultation and Assessment

The journey begins with a comprehensive mental health assessment conducted by our team, including Dr. Ryan Sultan. This initial evaluation ensures that we fully understand each patient's medical history, psychiatric condition, and treatment goals, allowing us to develop a tailored and effective treatment plan.

Personalized Treatment Plan Development

Based on the initial assessment, our team collaborates to create a personalized treatment plan. This plan outlines specific therapeutic approaches and interventions that align with the patient's unique needs and goals, ensuring a comprehensive approach to mental health care.

Introduction to Therapeutic Approaches

Patients are introduced to various therapeutic approaches that may be part of their treatment plan. These could include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Psychodynamic Therapy, or other evidence-based modalities. Our team provides detailed explanations and sets expectations for each approach.

Implementation of Therapy Sessions

Regular therapy sessions begin, guided by the personalized treatment plan. Our therapists work closely with patients to address their mental health concerns, employing the therapeutic techniques most suited to their needs. Sessions are scheduled to ensure consistency and progress tracking.

Medication Management (if applicable)

Dr. Ryan Sultan and our team provide careful medication management for patients requiring medication as part of their treatment. This includes selecting appropriate medications, monitoring their effectiveness, and adjusting dosages to optimize therapeutic outcomes.

Patient Education and Empowerment

We emphasize the importance of patient education, empowering individuals with knowledge about their conditions and the treatments they are receiving. This step includes providing resources, coping strategies, and self-care techniques to enhance the effectiveness of therapy and support overall well-being.

Ongoing Evaluation and Support

Our commitment to our patients extends beyond the initial treatment phases. We conduct ongoing evaluations to monitor progress and make necessary adjustments to the treatment plan. Continuous support ensures that patients feel supported throughout their journey to mental health wellness, including regular check-ins and follow-up appointments.

Benefits of Addiction and Substance Abuse Treatment

Physical Health Improvement

Treatment for addiction or substance abuse leads to significant improvements in physical health. By eliminating harmful substances, individuals can reduce the risk of chronic diseases, improve organ function, and increase overall vitality and well-being.

Mental Health Stability

Effective addiction treatment often addresses underlying mental health issues, resulting in greater emotional stability. This includes reducing symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other co-occurring disorders, leading to a more balanced and healthy state of mind.

Rebuilding Relationships

Overcoming addiction can repair and strengthen personal relationships. Treatment helps individuals develop better communication skills and rebuild trust with family members, friends, and colleagues, fostering a supportive and loving environment.

Enhanced Cognitive Function

Substance abuse often impairs cognitive abilities, including memory, attention, and decision-making. Through treatment, individuals can regain cognitive functions, allowing them to think more clearly, make better decisions, and improve overall mental performance.

Increased Financial Stability

By breaking free from addiction, individuals can achieve greater financial stability. Treatment helps reduce spending on substances and associated costs, improving job performance and employability, leading to better economic prospects.

Personal Growth and Self-Esteem

Addiction treatment promotes significant personal growth and boosts self-esteem. Individuals learn to cope with challenges, set and achieve goals, and develop a stronger sense of self-worth, empowering them to lead fulfilling and purpose-driven lives.

Dr. Ryan Sultan, MD Senior Psychiatrist at Integrative Psych

Meet The Founder

Dr. Sultan, son of psychiatrist, is a dual board certified mental health physician who has made it his life’s mission to explore, learn and practice the many treatments for the mind and its troubles.

Dr. Sultan’s path has led him to extensive training in therapies ranging from meditation and mindfulness to practical cognitive behavioral therapy and deep psychodynamic therapy. As a physician, he has explored how classical and innovative medical treatments can foster healing of the mind as well as personal growth.

These extensive ranges of therapies can be effective for many individuals, however they often take years to get results and many individuals hit walls in their treatment—getting only limited benefits.

Dr. Sultan founded Integrative Psych to push past the barriers of traditional mental health treatment by using naturally derived compounds in conjunction with conventional treatments such as medications, lifestyle interventions and psychotherapy to heal the pain and struggles in our minds beyond what traditional mental health treatments can accomplish.

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Ethical Considerations

Informed Consent: Ethical practice in Ketamine-Assisted Therapy (KAP) at Integrative Psych begins with ensuring that patients fully understand the treatment, its potential benefits, and risks. Informed consent is not just a formality but a process of open communication and education.

Patient Autonomy and Decision Making: Respecting patient autonomy is paramount. Patients are encouraged to make informed decisions about their treatment, ensuring that their participation is voluntary and based on a clear understanding of the therapy.

Confidentiality and Privacy: Patient confidentiality and privacy are rigorously maintained throughout the therapy process. All patient information is handled with the utmost care, respecting the sensitivity of mental health treatment.

Treatment Appropriateness: KAP is recommended only when it is deemed appropriate for the patient’s specific condition. This decision is based on a thorough assessment and consideration of all other treatment options.

Monitoring and Managing Potential Risks: The potential risks associated with ketamine, such as its psychoactive effects, are carefully managed. Patients are closely monitored during and after ketamine administration to ensure their safety.

Professional Competence: The therapy is conducted by a team of qualified professionals, led by Dr. Ryan Sultan, who have specialized training and expertise in KAP. Continuous professional development is pursued to stay abreast of the latest research and best practices.